Equipment update: intraoral scanner

Need a dental crown but dread sitting with gooey impression material to take the necessary moulds? Fear not, the digital intraoral scanner is here to save the day!

Q. What is an intraoral scanner?

A. An intraoral scanner is a device that is used in dentistry to create impressions digitally. The scanner projects a light source onto the area to be scanned. Thousands of images are then captured by imaging sensors and are processed by scanning software, which then produces an accurate 3D surface model showing the teeth and gums geometry.

Q. Why should I have a digital impression taken over traditional type impressions?

A. Digital intraoral scanners, as well as stand-alone equipment for computer-assisted design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), have become very powerful and efficient tools in today’s dental practices. They eliminate the need for traditional analogue impressions and wax-ups, as well as the conventional hands-on fabrication processes associated with all-ceramic restorations.

Q. What other benefits are there?

A. An intraoral scan takes less time than a traditional impression, it's much more comfortable, they're accurate and precise, and the software allows for real time feedback. The turnaround time for crowns, implants and clear aligners is much quicker than when using old-fashioned impressions as models do not need to be shipped over to the lab, the intraoral scan files are simply emailed to the lab instead.

Q. Do you offer clear aligner therapy?

A. Yes! We use the latest in clear aligner therapy to deliver straight teeth quickly. Intraoral scanners provide an accurate way to take models for orthodontic treatments such as clear aligners. Aligners can be fabricated by the lab directly from the 3D scan taken of the patient’s mouth. Treatment planning, 3D printing, positive pressure thermoforming and leading materials all come together to provide you with your best smile. We provide ongoing support through virtual consultations and in-office appointments throughout your aligners journey.

The best place to start is with a general dental check up which you can book here.

Or if you have had a check up recently but are due for a dental hygiene clean you can book here.


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